Brand: TOYOTA Model: Camry
Year: 2003 Miles: 5001-20000
From: Ronny B

Dear K.Thanate krab
Thank you very much for your answers but I still have some questions.

1)What kind of water should be fill in? Polaris or distilled water for battery. Someone told me that battery distilled water is the best to refill in coolant system. Toyota did not specific the period to change coolant but I will change after 3 years.

2)I am looking for the tester for coolant(ความเข้มข้นของน้ำยา)for many months ago but I could not find it. Where can I buy it? If you have, could you please send me according to address that I have log in. It will be very appreciated. If it is possible, please send me during this time so that I can test before and after filling in new water? If my address is not clear, please let me know by email.

3)Could you explain more detail for “Flush & fill”? If I tell Toyota technician to do flush & fill, Will he understand?

Again, Thank you so much for your valuable answer because no one can give me clear answer as you.

Best regards,
Ronny B.

1-Any kind of clean water would do the job alright. Even, leave over a night in container, tap water can be used.
I don’t like to use distilled water but the bottle water is O.K.
2-I do have the strips but missed place it’s and can not find its now, sorry.
You can buy it in USA. Khun Chan gave them to me years ago. Its might not be usable by now.
3-I don’t know if every mechanics in this world will understand what the meaning of any thing we said.
Flush and fill is what the name implied, you flush out the oil in the system, using new oil, until the oil come out is clean and fill it up again with new oil.
I hate to have to say I’m sorry to disappointed you.-Thanes

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